
musings at life’s intersections

thoughts on love, family, and finding home

Tag: Immigrants

  • Food Time Travel

    Food Time Travel

    Our friends came over the other night with take out from one of our favorite places here in Charlotte. It’s a Mexican place that has fresh-made tortillas, great salsas, and a butchery in the back that also has prepared meats. My friend, Renata, had taken her girls with her to pick up the meal. She…

  • Mami’s Magic

    Mami’s Magic

    I DREAMT ABOUT HER LAST NIGHT. WE WERE VISITING A COLLEGE I WANTED TO GO TO. I WAS YOUNGER, SHE WAS YOUNGER AND WE WERE HAPPY AND HEALTHY. Walking the campus, I noticed a water spigot that had been left running and was causing some water to pool in a parking lot. “Watch this,” I…

  • Daughters of Immigrants

    Daughters of Immigrants

    It’s hard not to notice spring. The exuberance, the display, the sheer beauty of it. The tips of the Hostas’ curved like pointed toes of ballerinas, ready to dance out of the brown patches of earth as they unfurl. Blossoms in every color so beautiful, so precious, it’s hard to do anything but love them,…

  • Back to Our Roots

    Back to Our Roots

    In a holiday season that had more screen time than years past thanks to hunkering down for the COVID-19 virus, I recently sat to fold laundry and turned on the TV while my kids were busy in other parts of the house. I pecked around, wanting something that I could enjoy without having to pay…

  • My Family’s Immigration Stories

    My Family’s Immigration Stories

    Today,  at a long red light, I’m scrolling Facebook and I see the headline, “Woman Ran Over Girl Because She was ‘A Mexican’, in the New York Times. I was coming back from picking up a Christmas present for my husband, listening to the Holly station on the radio, singing along to the music. But…